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Global recebe da OMNI o prémio Gold Award

Todos os anos, a OMNI entrega os prémios com distinção às empresas mais prestigiados do ano que se destacaram pelo seu desempenho e cooperação com outros membros do grupo. E, foi com muito orgulho e alegria que, recebemos a distinção de The Gold Tonnage Improvers Award de 2020!

A OMNI (Overseas Moving Network International) é a convenção das melhores empresas de Moving e Relocation e conta com organizações mundiais que demonstraram a excelência dos seus serviços,  a sua influência no mercado internacional e segurança financeira, mas como também destaque para o talento, inovação e dinamização de todas as empresas da convenção.

A GIR está em constante crescimento desde a nossa fundação em 2008, e hoje ocupamos o TOPO em Portugal, como a empresa mais certificada no Moving, com destaque entre as Top 5 da Europa e as Top 20 Mundial.

Para conhecer-nos mais, fale connosco ou solicite já o vosso orçamento.

Certificação FAIM

Enquanto empresa certificada pela FAIM, a Global International Relocation é também auditada externamente pela prestigiada EY (Ernst &Young), a fim de demonstrar a boa saúde financeira da empresa, assegurando a confiança e credibilidade necessárias a todos os nossos clientes e associados.

Como tal, temos o prazer de anunciar que o resultado dessa auditoria é a conotação de “Low Credit Risk”, com base em três tipos diferentes de rácios: solvência, liquidez e rentabilidade.

O Barómetro de Risco de Crédito EY é uma solução única feita à medida para a FIDI, tendo em conta os rácios financeiros a longo e curto prazo, com o propósito de avaliar o risco de uma Afiliada FIDI não ser merecedora de crédito, e utiliza o balanço financeiro do ano anterior, resultando num único valor para indicar a solvabilidade de uma Afiliada.

Portugal is the 3rd safest country in the world

The Global Peace Index considered Portugal as the safest country in the European Union, and the third in the world, surpassed only by Iceland and New Zealand.

This ranking by the Institute for Economics & Peace evaluates 23 indicators in 161 countries and independent states, covering 99.7% of the world population.

In general, Portugal has evolved very positively in this ranking – in 2014 it ranked 18th.

In global terms, the report concludes that the world has become less secure for the 9th time in 12 years, with the current pandemic being yet another focus of instability.

Interesting activities to do on-line

Hi Everyone, I hope you and your family are keeping safe and sane during this time. In line with our previous communication about providing free assistance during quarantine time we want to continue to share interesting activities that can be completed online:

  • Assistance for the elderly and up to date information on your specific area can be found in the websites of your nearest Town Hall. We have made a compilation of all Town halls in the greater Lisbon area that you can download here so you can check the most updated information about your area of residence.

Online food shopping:

  • Grossery shopping: most big chains of supermarket such as Continente, Auchan, Pingo Doce are experiencing great delays for online delivery, they are clearly not prepared for an increase in demand in times of quarantine. Continente has about a 1 month of waiting time for delivery while Mercadão (from Pingo Doce is constantly updating delivery times but is uncertain. In any case it looks like they are working in increasing their response time so make sure you check their websites constantly.
  • Celeiro: it’s a shop of Bio food and supplements that Has delivery of online shopping through CTT and it seems to be working normally
  • Fresh fish: there are a few sites that work with delivery of fresh fish mostly from the Sesimbra area here are some of them: Silva Fish , Cabaz do Peixe, Peixe Fresco, Peixaria Centenaria, Peixinho da Lota.
  • Baskets of organic fruit and vegetable: Also some smaller shops with artisan and bio food are still doing delivery, here are a few options Pede Salsa
  • Fresh bread delivered in the Lisbon area: Filho do padeiro o padeiro
  • Food delivery: Uber eats has proven to be the most reliable app in these times, deliveries are as usual with the restrictions of the restaurants that have had to close. They are currently waving the delivery fee


Children Activities:

GIR Quarantine Information

To our Expats and clients, we are living difficult times with the Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that this may be specially a tough time for expats living in Portugal away from their families and in a Country where you may not have all of the information available. At Global we want to keep an open channel with you and be able to assist you with any information related to dealing with the different aspects of your life while in times of quarantine.

For this, we have opened a communication channel with anyone of our team. The Objective is to clarify information about local registrations and government offices during quarantine, emergency contacts and what to do if assistance is needed, channels to communicate with the different service providers in case of emergencies, etc.

In the next few days we will be sharing with useful information that will help you and yours keep safe, informed and entertained during this time of introspection.

We will start today with

Information about healthcare and emergencies

1. In case of Covid-19 symptoms is always best to call the National Health hotline enabled for the pandemic: SNS 24 and 112 they will do an evaluation of your symptoms and decide whether to continue to follow up on your symptoms while quarantining at home or if send an ambulance. They also have a very useful pre evaluation questionnaire in their website, you can access it by clicking here

2. https://www.knokcare.com/ It’s an app that gives access to doctors in different fields that are available to provide video consults previous appointments. Consults range from 15 to 50 euros however most doctors have decided to wave the fees during Covid-19 and make consults available for free for everyone to try and avoid people going to hospitals . It works for non urgent appointment included appointments for children. To schedule only download the Knok app in your Iphone or Androide and follow the instructions

3. Most Private insurance companies have an app or a phone number where you can call to schedule an appointment either online or at home. Please check with your insurance provider for this information so you can have it at hand in case of emergencies

4. Private hospitals such as CUF and Hopsital da Luz have advised people to only attended the ER if an emergency non Covid-19 related happens, most appointments and analysis have been cancelled. These hospitals are still tending to pregnant women, oncologic patients and any other treatments that cannot be delayed. You can find updated information on current appointments at their websites.

5. Mental health: please make sure you take care of your mental health during these difficult times, quarantining at home while dealing with work pressure and children may take a toll on your well being. If you feel like you or anyone in your family needs assistance there are ways to do it without leaving your house. Websites such as talkspace and Betterhelp provide a variety of consultations in different topics all information available in English.

6. Keeping active: recently the CNBC made a list of the best apps to do online training that varies from Yoga, weightlifting and HITT. Some of these apps have free lessons and some have free 30 day trials.


Please stay tuned for more useful information to come

Best regards

The Global International Relocation Team

10 Anos consecutivos empresa PME Lider

A Global International Relocation é reconhecida pelo IAPMEi com o estatuto de PME Lider o que segundo o IPAMEI “visa reforçar a visibilidade das empresas de dimensão intermédia que integram o segmento mais competitivo da economia nacional, funcionando como selo de reputação e estímulo no prosseguimento de dinâmicas empresarias, que contribuam de forma sustentável para a criação de riqueza e bem-estar social”. É pois com muito orgulho que recebemos este prémio.